The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences values its alumni and encourages all graduates to remain involved and informed. On the UI Department of Biology's website you'll find opportunities to donate and connect.

Alumni giving opportunities

The Department of Biology is grateful to our donors for support. We are currently seeking support in the following key areas but welcome all levels of donations across a range of areas.

Alumni giving opportunities

The Department of Biology Graduate Fund

The Biology Graduate Fund is a top departmental priority. Graduate students are a key driving force in both the research and teaching mission of the department. In relation to research, graduate students are authors on the majority of publications produced by Biology faculty. Graduate students also serve as teaching assistants in the classroom, enriching the undergraduate programs, and mentor students within the research labs. We are aiming for a $3 million endowment for the Graduate Fund. Annual growth from this level of endowment would allow us to grow our Integrated Biology (iBio) Graduate Program and fully fund the first-semester graduate rotation period.  

The Department of Biology Development Fund

The Biology Development Fund provides resources to maintain our teaching and research laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment. The technological base for experimental biology is constantly changing and requires that we have funds to replace older equipment with new, state-of-the-art technology. Such technology is critical to our teaching and research missions.

The Department of Biology Seminar Series 

The Department of Biology’s annual seminar series brings world-renown researchers in all fields of biology to campus to interact with students and faculty and deliver a lecture. Such seminars advance our educational mission, enrich the research environment, and can result in new and exciting research collaborations.

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The majority of UI alumni studied in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and more than 174,000 living alumni have a CLAS degree.