Monday, November 9, 2020

The Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU) is hosting its annual Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF) virtually from Monday, November 9 through Friday, November 13. The Department of Biology is well-represented at this year’s event! Below is a list of presenting students that are affiliated with one of our majors (Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience), research labs, and/or programs (such as the Iowa Biosciences Academy, Latham Science Engagement Fellowship Program). The Zoom link is

ICRU has placed students into presentation groups of three based on students’ schedules and research topics. Each group presentation time will fill a 20-minute time span that consists of a moderator playing all three student pre-recorded videos (maximum of 3 minutes for each student video) followed by a live question and answer session led by the moderator. You are welcome to join whenever and stay for as long as you would like.

For the full schedule of presenters, visit

Monday, Nov. 9

10:00am – Haley Losh (Major: Neuroscience)
10:00am – Jade Miller (President of UIBIO student organization)
10:00am – Dane Tow and Jason Gao (both students are majoring in Biomedical Sciences)
12:00pm – Amanda Caraballo (Major: Biology – Genetics & Biotechnology Track; Mentor: Bin He; Program: Science Alliance Intern; UIBIO student organization Executive Committee member)
12:00pm – Abinaya Paravasthuramesh (Major: Biomedical Sciences: Mentors: Maurine Neiman and Chris Stipp)
12:00pm – Chelsea Higgins (Major: Biology – Genetics & Biotechnology Track; Mentor: Maurine Neiman; Program: Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar)\
4:15pm – Cristina Garcia (Major: Biology – Neurobiology Track; Mentor: Steven Green; Program: Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar)
4:15pm – Brianna Iverson (Major: Biology – Neurobiology Track; Mentor: Joshua Weiner; Program: 2020-21 Latham Fellow; UIBIO student organization Executive Committee member)

Tuesday, Nov. 10

10:00am – Dustin Fykstra (Major: Biomedical Sciences; Program: Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar)
1:30pm – Hend Al-Kaylani (Major: Biomedical Sciences)
1:30pm – Kartik Sivakumar (Major: Neuoroscience)

Wednesday, Nov. 11

1:00pm – Elias Shaeffer (Program: Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar)
1:00pm – Hanxi Tang (Major: Biology – Cell and Developmental Biology Track)
3:00pm – Josh Peterson (Major: BA in Biology; Program: Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar)
3:00pm – Annamarie Yamamoto (Major: Neuroscience)
3:00pm – Amy Gottschalk (Major: Neuroscience)

Friday, Nov. 13

10:00am – Alexandra Loren (Major: Neuroscience)
10:30am – Zoe-Ella Anderson (Major: Neuroscience)
10:30am – Pedro Marra (Major: Biomedical Sciences)
3:30pm – Sreelekha Kundu (Program: 2020-21 Latham Fellow; UIBIO student organization Executive Committee member)