Sarit Smolikove


Research summary

DNA damage repair in C. elegans meiosis

My lab studies different aspects of DNA damage repair in the germline of C. elegans. We mainly use methods related to the fields of genetics and cell biology to study how germ cells maintain genetic integrity. Our current funded projects focus on understanding how DNA-RNA hybrids contribute to DNA damage and affect DNA repair. For more details, please visit the lab's website:

Selected images

Dissected gonad of C. elegans stained with DAPI (chromosomes, blue) and RAD-51 (ssDNA binding protein, green). DSB repair intermediates (RAD-51) are observed throughout meiosis, but peak at mid-pachytene stage. DSBs are created continuously up to mid-late pachytene transition.


Diakinesis chromosomes of wild type (left) and mutants deficient for RNase H (right). Chromosomal fragments in the mutant are indicative of defects in DNA damage repair.


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Research areas
  • Cell and developmental biology
  • Genetics
Sarit Smolikove portrait
PhD, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Contact Information

University of Iowa
338 Biology Building East (BBE)
210 East Iowa Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Phone Number