Welcome to the University of Iowa and the Department of Biology! This page includes tips and guidelines to help you have a successful transition to the department.

Transfer students have a variety of backgrounds, academic preparation and coursework so it is always important to speak with a Department of Biology Academic Advisor about your individual situation.

Many transfer students discover after transferring to the department that it will take longer than they realized to graduate. This is because transfer students often take the wrong set of courses before coming to UI. Science courses are sequential so it is very important that you take the correct classes in the right order.

The following guidelines should be followed by all biology major transfer students no matter where they are coming from:

  1. Complete the first year sequence of Chemistry (equivalents for CHEM: 1110 and CHEM: 1120 Principles of Chemistry I and II)
  2. Complete a calculus course (equivalent for MATH: 1460 Calculus for the Biological Sciences or MATH: 1850 Calculus I or MATH: 1550 Engineer Math I Single Variable Calculus)
  3. Complete the full sequence for Introductory of Biology (only the full sequence of classes from your current institution will transfer as equivalent to BIOL: 1411 Foundations of Biology and BIOL: 1412 Diversity of Form & Function). Most schools have a 2-course sequence but some have a 3-course or even 4-course sequence for Introductory Biology. Individual Introductory Biology courses will not transfer as a major course requirement.
  4. Complete the Intermediate II level of a world language. Four years of one world language in High School will fulfill this requirement.
  5. Complete Organic Chemistry I (equivalent for CHEM: 2210 Organic Chemistry I) unless you are planning pre-Vet, pre-Med, Pre-PA or Pre-Dental. If you need more organic chemistry than what the major requires it is better to take it all at one institution.
  6. If additional time allows, complete a Physics course (equivalent for PHYS: 1511 College Physics I or PHYS: 1611 Introductory Physics I).

Review course equivalents–additional questions about course equivalents should be directed to the Office of Admissions.

Transfer guides by major

Bachelor of Arts in Biology

UI transfer course equivalencies:

  • CHEM:1110 Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry II
  • Full sequence of Introductory biology for majors at one institution
  • MATH:1850 Calculus I  Intermediate II of a world language (or 4 years in high school of one language)
  • RHET:1030 (English Composition I, II and Public Speaking)
  • Three additional general education courses
  • BA elective course outside the major: Organic Chemistry, Basic Physics, College Physics, or Intro to Computer Science can work for this requirement. If Pre-Med, Pre-Vet, or Pre-Dental, it is recommended to take the full sequence of organic chemistry at the same college.
Hrs.Semester 1Hrs. Semester 2
3-4BA Elective outside the major II4BIOL:2512 Fundamental Genetics
3BMB:3110 Biochemistry3Biological Systems I
3STAT:3510 or STAT:20103-4BA Elective outside the major III
3CLAS Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3CLAS Gen Ed
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa13-14 
Hrs.Semester 3Hrs. Semester 4
3BIOL:2723 Cell Biology3Biology Elective II
4BIOL:3172 Evolution3Genes & Genomes I
3Biology Elective I3BA Elective outside the major IV
3Biological Systems II4-5Course with a Lab
3CLAS Gen Ed3CLAS Gen Ed
16 16-17** 

These plans are guidelines to demonstrate the course requirements for biology majors. Hours may vary due to world language and math placements, AP or dual enrollment coursework, and actual classes transferred to UI. Details on course options can be found in the catalog.

*120 semester hours are required to earn a bachelor’s degree. Students will set up a plan to graduation with an advisor during their first semester at Iowa.

Bachelor of Science in Biology

UI transfer course equivalencies:

  • CHEM:1110 Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry II
  • Full sequence of Introductory biology for majors from one insitution
  • MATH:1850 Calculus I
  • Organic Chemistry I (recommended to take organic II if pursing Pre-Med, Vet or Dental)
  • PHYS:1511 & PHYS:1512 College Physics I and II 
  • Intermediate II of a world language (or 4th level world language in HS)
  • RHET:1030 (English Composition I, II and Public Speaking)

Three additional general education courses biology 2-year plan after transfer (remaining courses):

BS Integrative Biology
Hrs.Semester 1Hrs.Semester 2
4BIOL:2512 Fundamental Genetics3BIOL:2723 Cell Biology
3BMB:3110 Biochemistry*3BIOL:2673 Ecology
3STAT:3510 or STAT:20104BIOL:3172 Evolution
3CLAS Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3CLAS Gen Ed
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa13-15 
Hrs.Semester 3Hrs.Semester 4
3-5Track Elective Course*3Biological Systems II
3Biological Systems I4-6Experiential Elective
3Genes & Genomes I3CLAS Gen Ed
4Investigative Lab course3CLAS Gen Ed
13 13-15 ** 


BS Cell & Development Biology
Hrs.Semester 1Hrs.Semester 2
4BIOL:2512 Fundamental Genetics3BIOL:2723 Cell Biology
3BMB:3110 Biochemistry*3Track Elective Course*
3STAT:3510 or STAT:20104Cell & Developmental Bio Core Course
3CLAS Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3CLAS Gen Ed
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa13 
Hrs.Semester 3Hrs.Semester 4
3Cell & Developmental Bio Core Course3Cell & Dev Elective II
3Cell & Dev Elective I3Cell & Dev Elective III
4Investigative Lab course4-6Experiential Elective
3CLAS Gen Ed3CLAS Gen Ed
13 13-15 ** 


BS Genetics & Biotechnology
Hrs.Semester 1Hrs.Semester 2
4BIOL:2512 Fundamental Genetics3BIOL:2723 Cell Biology
3BMB:3110 Biochemistry*3Track Elective Course*
3STAT:3510 or STAT:20104BIOL:3172 Evolution
3CLAS Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3CLAS Gen Ed
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa13 
Hrs.Semester 3Hrs.Semester 4
4BIOL:3713 Molecular Genetics3BIOL:3314 Genomics
3Genetics Elective I3Genetics Elective II
4-6Experiential Elective4BIOL:3716 Genetics & Biotechnology Lab
3CLAS Gen Ed3CLAS Gen Ed
14-16 13 ** 


BS Neurobiology
Hrs.Semester 1Hrs.Semester 2
4BIOL:2512 Fundamental Genetics3BIOL:2723 Cell Biology
3BMB:3110 Biochemistry*3Track Elective Course*
3STAT:3510 or STAT:20103BIOL:2753 Introduction to Neurobiology or
3CLAS Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives4PSY:2701 Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa3CLAS Gen Ed
15 12-13 
Hrs.Semester 3Hrs.Semester 4
4BIOL:3253 Neurobiology I4BIOL:3254 Neurobiology II
3Neurobiology Elective I3Neurobiology Elective II
4Neuro Lab (2 to choose from)4-6Experiential Elecive
3CLAS Gen Ed3CLAS Gen Ed
14 14-16 ** 

*Students take at least one semester of biochemistry along with an additional track elective, or they can take a two-semester sequence of biochemistry and molecular biology. Other track elective options are listed in the catalog.

**120 semester hours are required to earn a bachelor’s degree. Students will set up a plan to graduation with an advisor during their first semester at Iowa.

These plans are guidelines to demonstrate the course requirements for biology majors. Hours may vary due to world language and math placements, AP or dual enrollment coursework, and actual classes transferred to UI. 

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences

An application is required in order to be admitted to this major. Transfer students should have mostly As in science courses. There is also a required essay.

Learn more

Checklist for transfer work, check website for equivalencies:

  • CHEM:1110 & CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry I and II
  • Full sequence of introductory biology from one institution*
  • MATH:1850 Calculus I  Organic Chemistry I and II with lab
  • PHYS:1511 & PHYS:1512 College Physics I and II
  • Intermediate II of a world language (or 4 years in high school of one language)
  • RHET:1030 (English Composition I, II and Public Speaking)
  • Interpretation of Literature Gen Ed equivalency course
  • Introductory Psychology and Sociology (equivalent to PSY:1001 and SOC:1010
Biomedical sciences 2-year plan after transfer (remaining courses)
Hrs.Semester 1hrs.semester 2
3BIOL:2211 or BIOL:2512 (Genetics course)5MICR:2157 & 2158 Gen Microbiology & Lab
3BIOC:3110 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology I3Biochemistry & Molecular Biology II
3STAT:3510 Biostatistics3HHP:3500 Human Physiology
3CLAS Core: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3PSY:2130 Adv. Psychology for Pre-Med
2Success at Iowa14 


Hrs.Semester 3hrs.semester 4
3BMS Elective course I3BIOL:3373 Human Pop Genetics & Variation
3BMS Elective course II4Experiential Elective
4Investigative Lab course6CLAS General Education classes
6CLAS General Education classes3Elective hours
16 16 

These plans are guidelines to demonstrate the course requirements for the biomedical sciences major. Hours may vary depending on actual classes transferred to UI. 120 hours are required to earn a bachelor’s degree. Review your transcripts with the biology advisor to create an individualized plan of study.

*Consult the academic advisor to see if you need two biology courses or if one from your college.

**Students who come to UI with less than the above science transfer recommendations will have to take the MCAT later and plan a gap year, and graduation may be delayed. 

Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience

Transfer recommendations

Check website for equivalencies at your college:

  • CHEM:1110 Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry II
  • Full sequence of introductory biology from one institution*
  • PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology**
  • MATH:1850 Calculus I
  • Intermediate II of a world language (or 4 years in high school of one language)
  • RHET:1030 (English Composition I, II, and Public Speaking) 
  • Three additional general education courses***
Neuroscience 2-year plan after transfer (remaining courses)
Hr.Semester 1Hr.Semester 2 
4PSY:2701 Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience3Neuroscience Elective
3PSY:2811 Research Methods I3PSY:2812 Research Methods II
4PHYS:1511 College Physics I4PHYS:1512 College Physics II
3Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3BIOC:3110 Biochemistry
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa13+ 
Hr.Semester 3Hr.Semester 4
3Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience3BIOL:3254 Neurobiology II
4BIOL:3253 Neurobiology I4-5Neuroscience Elective
3Laboratory Course3Neuroscience Elective
3Gen Ed3Gen Ed
13+ 13+ 

These plans are guidelines to demonstrate the course requirements for the neuroscience major. Hours may vary due to world language and math placements, AP or dual enrollment coursework, and actual classes transferred to UI. Students will need a total of 120 hours to complete a bachelor’s degree. Review your transcripts with the Neuroscience advisor to create an individualized plan of study.

Learn more

*Communicate with the biology department regarding transfer biology credit. Usually, biology courses will only transfer if the full introductory sequence is completed. One of the biology courses is required while the other will count toward the four required neuroscience electives.

**This course is not required for the major but is recommended for the social science GE.

***Refer to the CLAS website for GE requirements: https://clas.uiowa.edu/clas-core/requirements


Pre-med plan transfer recommendations

  • CHEM:1110 Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM:1120 Principles of Chemistry II
  • Full sequence of introductory biology from one institution*
  • PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology*
  • SOC:1010 Introduction to Sociology*
  • MATH:1850 Calculus I
  • Organic Chemistry with Lab I and II*
  • Intermediate II of a world language (or 4 years in high school of one language)
  • RHET:1030 (English Composition I, II and Public Speaking)
  • One additional general education course
Neuroscience 2-year plan after transfer (remaining courses)
Hr.Semester 1Hr.Semester 2 
4PSY:2701 Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience3Neuroscience Elective
3PSY:2811 Research Methods I3PSY:2812 Research Methods II
4PHYS:1511 College Physics I4PHYS:1512 College Physics II
3Gen Ed: Understanding Cultural Perspectives3BIOC:3110 Biochemistry
2CSI:1600 Success at Iowa3PSY:2130 Adv Psychology for Pre-Med*
16 16 
Hr.Semester 3Hr.Semester 4
3Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience3BIOL:3254 Neurobiology II
4BIOL:3253 Neurobiology I3Neuroscience Elective
4-5Laboratory Course3Neuroscience Elective
6Two Gen Eds6Two Gen Eds
17-18 15 

Pre-med students should work with their major advisor and a pre-med advisor to develop an individualized plan of study. Students who come to UI with less than the above science transfer recommendations may take longer to graduate. Those students should plan to take the MCAT later and plan a gap year.

*Pre-med recommendations, not major requirements. Psychology or sociology will count for the Social Science GE.

Pre-med advising at Iowa

Additional tips for transfer students

  • Save some general education/core classes
    • It is hard to manage a full-time load of all science courses. Most students find it more manageable to mix their science curriculum with some core classes. There are a many choices in diverse and interesting subjects at Iowa! 
  • Wait on microbiology
    • Most microbiology courses transfer as equivalent to a pharmacy or nursing microbiology at UI, and those courses do not count in any life science major. If you would like to take a microbiology course, wait until you get to UI so it will count toward your program of study.
  • Statistics courses from a community college or an introductory statistics course from a four-year college will not count in the major. Biology majors take biostatistics, which is a junior level course.