Dr. Beth Osia, a former PhD student in the Integrated Biology (iBio) Graduate Program, has been selected as the recipient of the Rex Montgomery Dissertation Prize in 2022 from the Graduate College at the University of Iowa for her dissertation titled, "Sources and Signatures of Mutagenesis in Break-Induced Replication." The Rex Montgomery Dissertation Prize is endowed by a generous gift from Dr. Rex Montgomery and recognizes the most meritorious dissertation by a doctoral student conducting research in prevention of disease and/or the translation of research into clinical practice. This is the first time that a Biology graduate student has received the Rex Montgomery Dissertation Prize.
The winner of the Rex Montgomery Dissertation Prize is eligible to become the University of Iowa's nominee in the national competition for the Council of Graduate Schools/University Microfilms International Distinguished Dissertation Award in years when Biological and Life Sciences is an award category.
Dr. Osia completed her iBio PhD in 2020 working under the direction of Professor Anna Malkova and is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at City of Hope.