Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sarit Smolikove is a professor in the Department of Biology. 

Sarit Smolikove

What is the focus of your work?  

My research is focused on understanding DNA damage repair. The DNA in our bodies harbors the information of what makes us, but is under constant assault from internal and external factors (e.g. radiation, free radicals etc.) that damage it and lead to mutations. I am interested in the processes required to prevent such damage.

I am specifically focused on forms of DNA damage that are challenging to repair in the germline, the tissue that produces the eggs and sperm essential for reproduction. These questions cannot be investigated using tissue culture but require analysis in a whole organism. As a basic biologist, I use a model system to study this question, an organism that is easy to grow, analyze and make changes to its DNA composition. This widely used model organism is called Caenorhabditis elegans 

Tell us about the broad impact you’d like it to have.  

My hope is to lead to better understanding of the mechanism of DNA damage repair in the germline. As a basic scientist my work is not directly impacting humans, but rather creates the foundation for such an impact, as DNA damage repair is directly related to cancer formation and cancer therapy. The mechanisms of DNA repair are highly evolutionarily conserved, which makes it a possibility.   

What excites you about the environment in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)?  

CLAS is a place where I feel at home and where I can grow as a person and as a scientist. It allows collaboration and is composed of people who are happy to listen to your ideas and help if needed. 

What are your hobbies and pursuits outside of work? 

Most of all I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, usually over home-cooked dinner, TV (Sci-Fi TV and Mockumentaries) or boardgame nights (Eurogame and escape room games). On my own, I garden, read and enjoy almost any form of craft (but mostly painting). 

Any favorite things to do in Iowa City?  

I enjoy our amazing restaurants, especially the excellent selection of international cuisine: Indian, Thai, Japanese, Middle Eastern and more.  I’m also very fond of the many thrift/antique stores in the area.