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Leica STELLARIS 8 Confocal Microscope

Leica STELLARIS 8 Confocal Microscope
- DMi8 inverted microscope stand with motorized XYZ stage
- true point scanning confocal system with pulsed white light laser (WLL)
- wide excitation range: 405 nm and 440-790 nm
- emission range up to 850 nm for imaging far-red dyes
- fluorescence lifetime tool set (TauSense)
- OkoLabs stage-top incubator for live cell/tissue work
- Lightening integrated deconvolution software
Pricing information
- $45.00 per hour: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
- $30.00 per hour: all other times
Leica TCS SP8 Confocal Microscope

The Leica SP8 confocal imaging system (inverted platform) is ideal for live cell imaging and 3D reconstructions. Some of the key system features include:
- New optimized scan optics and exceptionally bright solid state lasers (405, 488, 552, and 638 nm laser lines)
- Fast scanning with a resonant scanner (up to 40 frames/sec at 512 x 512 scan format)
- Higher sensitivity hybrid detectors (HyDs) yielding lower noise, brighter signals, and better quantitation in single photon counting mode
- Modern 64-bit software and rapid 3D reconstructions and movie-making software
- Large-format tile-scanning software ("Navigator") - Watch a video of this
- Adaptive multicolor super-resolution imaging with fast (near real-time) deconvolution software ("Lightening") integrated with the hardware to optimize imaging parameters for the highest possible resolution
- Improved flexible spectral detection and spectral unmixing to separate signals from overlapping fluorophores
- Software modules for FRET and FRAP applications
- 40x/1.1 water immersion objective (670 um working distance) with motorized correction (motCORR) collar to maximize brightness and resolution in different conditions (e.g., coverslip thickness, temperature, sample thickness). See PDF file below for more information.
- Okolab programmable stage-top incubation system to control (and record) temperature (room temperature to 50 degrees Celsius), humidity, CO2, and O2 levels for live cell/tissue imaging (including hypoxia experiments). See
- Motorized xyz stage enables multisite imaging, and autofocus features enable extended multisite time-lapse imaging without focus drift.

Pricing information
- $40.00 per hour: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
- $25.00 per hour: all other times
Leica TCS SP5 Multi-photon Confocal Microscope

Leica DM 6000 CS upright microscope with:
- Full-control via color touch-screen
- Spectral confocal detection
- Spectra Physics Mai Tai MP laser
- High-speed, high-accuracy motorized XYZ stage
- Three confocal detection PMTs
- Two ND (Non-Descanned) external detectors
- One transmitted light detection PMT (for DIC)
- Maximum scanning resolution 4096x4096 pixels.
The Leica SP5 confocal/multiphoton system was upgraded in June of 2018 to improve sensitivity and depth of multiphoton imaging and to increase the rate of image collection for both confocal and multiphoton imaging modalities. Specific upgrades included:
- Installation of a resonant scanner that provides the option to increase scan rate, thereby reducing light load on the sample (lower photobleaching) and increasing speed of image capture.
- Replacement of the external (non-descanned) PMT detectors for multiphoton imaging with more sensitive and lower noise hybrid detectors (HyDs).
- Installation of DeepSee pre-compensation module to increase the Mai Tai infrared laser power to improve deep tissue imaging, enabling clearer images in thick tissue samples (up to several hundred microns thick).
Leica LAS AF software (on dual LCD displays) provides microscope control for:
- Multidimensional series acquisition (x,y,z,t)
- Epifluorescence with EL 6000 compact lamp and two filter cubes.
Equipment documents
- Changing Leica lenses using the AF Hardware Configurator Software
- Leica SP5 Confocal quick start guide
- Leica SP5 Confocal product sheet
- Leica SP5 Confocal Specifications
- Multi-Photon Startup
- Leica MP-FLIM and D-FLIM Manual
- FLIM - Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Basics
- FLIM - SPCImage 2.9
- Download LAS AF Lite for Windows (for SPE and SP5 files): LAS AF Lite for Windows (works with Windows 7, 32-bit)
Pricing information
- $30.00 per hour: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
- $23.00 per hour: all other times
Important information
For billing questions, contact Steve Kehoe at 319-335-1051 or
For scheduling and training please contact New confocal users must complete the Laser Safety training course W028RD available in ICON through My Training at the UIowa HR Employee Self Service site.
For additional information, contact the Director of the CCI, Dr. Michael Dailey (